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A hand-painted portrait of a favorite toy is a special gift for any child or child-at-heart.

Gift certificates and custom toy stationary are also available!

How it Works

1.Click Store above to select a portrait size. Checkout safely and securely with any major credit card.
2.Click Contact to email a photo and some brief information about the toy.
3.You receive the painting in the mail, your munchkin (or nostalgic adult) screams with joy, and the toy is remembered forever.



First Friends also offers custom stationary items featuring your toy portrait, preprinted stationary items featuring vintage and classic toys, gift certificates, and the option to order custom portraits of people, pets or anything else that floats your boat.

Meet the Artist

About First Friends:

First Friends celebrates children’s love for their favorite toys. As a Yale-trained artist and mother of 3-year-old twins, I was inspired to create First Friends after painting portraits of my twins’ lovies. When they saw their toy portraits for the first time,Read More >>

Recent Portraits

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“Puppy and Binky” for Nicholas

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“Mr. Dangles Bojangles & George”

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“Doggie” for Jade

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“Blue Lovey” for Addison

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“Beary and Banky” for Noah

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“Pink Teddy” for Amelia

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“Puppy & Mr. Bean” for Cooper

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“Zebra” for Talia

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